About Us

  • Hello and welcome to our little shop. We are a wife and husband duo that is working to achieve our dream of doing what we love. Crashley (Ashley) is the heart and soul of the two. She is a successful woman with a business degree and works hard in her full time job, as well as killing it with her crafts, youtube, and parenting. She has always been seduced by the joy in crafting. In 2015 she started selling homemade wreaths locally. As she sold more and more, she realized that selling her creations was her true passion. She then discovered diamond painting when she started working from home in late 2018. By mid 2019, she had created the Facebook group "Everything Diamond Painting". That led to the creation of her youtube channel, and the creation of our little business. Originally named Ashwin Crafts and Treasures, we started out selling wreaths, polymer clay diamond painting pens, 3d printed creations, coverminders, and other crafting items. Our goal has been to start with the cost of one craft, and build a successful business from it. It is amazing to see what has grown over the years. 

    Kerwin is more of the behind the scenes part of the duo. He takes care of most of the customer service, filling orders, technical aspects, and keeping Crashley in line. Up until recently he worked a full-time physical intensive job, that sometimes had him gone for over 12 hea a day. However, due to the successful of our endeavor, he is able to devote most of his time to our little bisiness. 
    Together we have a blended family of 4 amazing children. We do our best to provide for the shop, however they hold our hearts. We do take the weekends off to ensure that we get our game and adventure time in with our children. They like to help from time to time, so there may be a misplaced label here and there...just a heads up. However, they love it, and we love that they are involved.